A large badger sett sits near Garth Farm, home of the badgers so beloved by farmer Mr. Harpur and just some of the wild animals filmed by Mr. Calum on his trail cameras. Here, Old Billy Badger reminisces his long life, family, and friends, while young badger cubs play around him. Intermingled with the life of Billy and his family are the lives of the other animals Casper the otter, who, after a hard start in life, finds his partner and starts his own family; Reynard and Muffles the foxes, raising...
Growing up in Clitheroe, Lancashire, Malcolm Ingham held a passion for wildlife that carried on into adulthood, ultimately leading to him becoming Head Ranger and Wildlife Officer for Wirral Council, where he rescued and rehabilitated wildlife in trouble and worked with police in tackling wildlife crime, as recounted in his first book, From Badgers to Nighthawks. In this time, he worked with the RAF in returning a young nighthawk where it should have been, after it went off route during migration....