And they say animals don t have a sense of humour! Accuse me of being anthropomorphic if you must but I have had too many animal experiences not to believe that they are sentient beings with feelings and emotions. Malcolm J Ingham worked as a Ranger & Wildlife Officer for over 30 years during which time he, along with his wife Ann, formed the Wirral Wildlife Rehabilitation Unit. Here he tells his stories, some sad, some hilarious of his efforts to become a ranger, of confronting badger diggers and...
I grew up with my grandmother talking about the old country, our family and villages. All of my life I wanted to visit the land of my forebears, but it didn t seem like a dream that could possibly come true. Finding out where you come from by understanding who our ancestors were, how they lived and events in their lives is a very profound experience. If none of that happened, where would we have ended up? Understanding their history can give us a stronger sense of our own identity and how we fit...
Growing up in Clitheroe, Lancashire, Malcolm Ingham held a passion for wildlife that carried on into adulthood, ultimately leading to him becoming Head Ranger and Wildlife Officer for Wirral Council, where he rescued and rehabilitated wildlife in trouble and worked with police in tackling wildlife crime, as recounted in his first book, From Badgers to Nighthawks. In this time, he worked with the RAF in returning a young nighthawk where it should have been, after it went off route during migration....