3 product(s) found for "History"
  • Witch Memorials of Scotland
    Witch Memorials of Scotland
    The Witch Persecutions of the 15th to 17th century were a horrific time in Scottish history when an estimated 4,000 people were executed as accused witches. Communities were torn apart by accusations of witchcraft, aimed at cunning men and women using traditional remedies to heal the sick; old women who perhaps stood apart from the rest of the population; strangers to the area - or indeed anyone against whom someone might have a grudge. It was a terrifying time with an all-powerful Church and laws...
  • This Isle is Full of Monsters: Shakespeare's Audiences and the Supernatural
    This Isle is Full of Monsters: Shakespeare's Audiences and the Supernatural
    Devils crawled up from hell. Angels descended from the heavens. Sorcerers, fairies and witches moved amongst the audience. At the cusp of the Enlightenment, Tudor and Jacobean theaters were certainly places of enchantment. But for the citizens watching the play, how much did the supernatural mean to them? Historian Jon Kaneko-James explores the supernatural world that formed the everyday life of the 16th and 17th century audience member: from the sorcerers who walked London's streets, to demonic...
  • Bullets, Booze & Babes: A Haunted History of Chicago & Illinois
    Bullets, Booze & Babes: A Haunted History of Chicago & Illinois
    Chicago - the Windy City, home of Chicago Blues, the stomping ground of the gangster - and most definitely haunted with several other weird tales thrown in for an added bonus. The wider area around the city, indeed the state of Illinois itself is no different. From haunted cemeteries, tragic murders whose victims have stayed behind, UFOs, the mysterious Thunderbirds, there is something for everyone's taste in high strangeness. Come for the hospitality, stay for the weirdness, as author Rick Hale...

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